6 Steps To Capture Moments With My Son

The Dodd’s are a duo, so there’s not usually anyone here to take our picture. Here’s what I do:

  1. Use a tripod or just prop the phone up somewhere (during the day is the best lighting)

  2. Always use the camera on the back of the phone - never the front facing camera (unless it’s a quick selfie)

  3. Set the phone to video and start recording (sometimes I’ll do a quick test video to make sure it’s lined up and confirm where to stand)

  4. Try different poses with my bebé and try not posing at all but rather just play together, try to make him laugh, etc - I never force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do just to “get the shot”

  5. Take screenshots of the video

  6. Edit the pictures/add a filter

Picture 1: I propped the phone up on a bench using an extension cord that was already there.

Picture 2: I balanced the phone on the door knob of my shed.

Picture 3: I put the phone on the top of the couch and leaned it against the wall

It gets easier - finding the light, figuring out your angles, deciding what to do with your hands - and I’m so glad I have all of these pictures of the two of us together.